Fajora music founded in 1999 is an indipendent music label and sheet music publisher for music composed and produced by Rainer Fabich.
Since then Fajora’s music is part of many film-, TV-, radio- and online productions for example of:
ARD, ARD alpha, arte, BR, DW, Deutschlandradio, MDR, NDR, ORF, Phoenix, PRO 7, RAI, RB, RBB, RTL, RTL2, SAT1, Servus TV, SKY, SR, SRF, SWR, WDR and ZDF.
A majority of the products consisting of CD’s, sheet music or single tracks are worldwide available at the biggest distribution websites such as:
amazon.com, apple iTunes.com, CDbaby.com , GooglePlayMusic.com, spotify.com, tidal.com for audio and
for sheet music (online digital) and
alle-noten.de, grahl-ffm.de, epubli.de, stretta-music.com, and amazon.com
for sheet music (print) by typing: Rainer Fabich.
To facilitate finding special track styles or instruments on the page there’s a music search on the right side of the all products webpage.
Some music of Rainer Fabich which were not published by Fajora Music are directly available at www.sonoton.de and www.wiegand-verlag.de
Read about the vita and references of Rainer Fabich at www.rainer-fabich.de